Strzelce Opole is a city located in the eastern part of the province of Opole, inhabited by almost 20 thousand. residents. Strzelce are situated off the A4 motorway and national road. 94 which is an important road junction in this part of the country. The commune has more than 2000 active traders, mainly in industries: Metalworking, joinery, Automotive, meblarstwo, construction machinery and equipment, transport. The city has a special economic zone and investment areas which arises at the moment a lot of new businesses.
Almost every entrepreneur met with the situation, in which the parties are late or even avoid pay their debts. Unfortunately, such a state of affairs is becoming commonplace. The solution to these problems is to use the help of a professional debt collection company – spółki Expertus, which offers its services in Shooters Opolskich. Our offer includes a full range of debt collection activities – financial redress, purchase of receivables and Power of enforcement.