Guidance for the creditor
Debt recovery is a complex and costly. Unscrupulous contractors use a variety of ways not to pay claims, However, there are many ways to protect against this situation
Guidance for the debtor
We want an amicable and quick solutions to the problems your financial arrears. The only thing you should do, is to cooperate with us and start paying voluntary commitments agreed with us conditions
– Glossary –
The partial award
Judgment collapsing in a situation, when in the main proceedings will be explained only part of the claims or some of the requests, and the rest remain unresolved.
Kara umowna
Provided for in the Civil Code the penalty for breach of contract, agreed in the contract between the parties, which is expressed in a fixed amount and can only relate to contracts, the implementation of which is not the provision of funds
Letter addressed to the court for legal protection in judicial proceedings (otherwise lawsuit)
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